Monday, July 4, 2016

Cures for Restlessness

        Seeing as this is my first post ever, I feel it should be dedicated to an introduction and about me but the point is to be for me to write what I want and I want to give GD cures for restlessness.

Plan a thru-hike (or section hikes if you're practical and realistic and/or daunted) of the Appalachian Trail. Or anywhere really

Listen to the Hamilton soundtrack. Or any musical soundtrack. Go on a journey with your ears as your guide

Start a blog?

Do something in secret. Even though it would make no difference if people found out. Just don't tell anyone you're eating a banana to make the act more exciting and intriguing

Go for a run and pretend you're being chased by something to boost adrenaline

Tie yourself to something heavy yet comfortable

Jump off something high, but not too high...

      Just enough for a real rush that you'll need a nap after

Play follow the leader with your pet as the leader for a day. Just lie down on the floor and eat. Maybe walk around. Chew. You'll learn a lot

      This has been my first post. I hope you picked up some ways to become restful!

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